Passport Seva 2.0: New Features and Appointment Link

S. Jaishankar, the Minister of External Affairs, has recently announced the launch of the second phase of the Passport Seva Programme (PSP-Version 2.0) on the occasion of Passport Seva Divas. This initiative aims to enhance passport services and introduce new and upgraded e-passports into the Passport Seva Programme 2.0. The Minister has urged the responsible authorities to reaffirm their commitment to delivering passports and associated services in a timely, reliable, accessible, transparent, and efficient manner. Let’s explore the details and significance of the Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0.

india Passport Seva 2.0

Passport Seva Programme

According to Jaishankar, the upcoming Passport Seva Programme (PSP) Version 2.0 will introduce new and enhanced e-passports. This initiative aligns with the Prime Minister’s vision of improving the “Ease of Living” for citizens. The PSP 2.0 aims to establish a new paradigm of “EASE” by focusing on the following aspects:

E: Enhanced digital ecosystem for passport services accessible to the public

The Passport Seva Programme seeks to create an enhanced digital ecosystem that makes passport services more accessible to the public. By leveraging digital platforms and technology, individuals can easily access and avail passport-related services.

A: AI-powered service delivery system

The implementation of an AI-powered service delivery system is a crucial aspect of the Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0. Artificial intelligence will streamline and automate various processes, leading to more efficient and effective service delivery.

S: Streamlined international travel using chip-enabled e-passports

With the integration of chip-enabled e-passports, the Passport Seva Programme aims to streamline international travel for Indian citizens. These advanced passports will provide enhanced security features and facilitate smoother immigration procedures.

E: Enhanced data security

Data security is of paramount importance in the digital era. The Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0 focuses on implementing robust data security measures to protect the personal information of passport applicants and holders.

Passport Seva Schedule Appointment link

Passport Seva Schedule involves the procedure of booking an appointment to access passport-related services under the Passport Seva Programme in India. This initiative, implemented by the Government of India, aims to simplify and streamline the application and issuance of passports. To schedule an appointment for Passport Seva services, kindly visit the official website at It is important to carefully follow the provided instructions, select your preferred passport office or Passport Seva Kendra, and choose a suitable date and time for your appointment. Ensure that you gather all the required documents and payment details beforehand to facilitate a smooth appointment scheduling process.

Check Important Days and Dates 2023

How to Apply for Passport Seva Programme v2.0?

Applying for the Passport Seva Programme v2.0 is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to initiate your passport application:

  1. Visit the official website at
  2. On the homepage, locate the “Schedule Appointment” or “Apply for Ordinary Passport” section.
  3. Click on the appropriate link to access the application portal.
  4. If you don’t have an account, sign up by providing your name, address, and other necessary information. If you already have an account, log in.
  5. Fill in the required details in the application form accurately.
  6. Upload the necessary documents as per the guidelines provided.
  7. Review the application form and documents before submitting.
  8. Make the payment for the passport application fee.
  9. Submit the application and wait for the acknowledgment.

Please note that the application process may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is essential to follow the instructions provided on the official website for a smooth application experience.

Passport Seva Programme Digilocker

As part of the Passport Seva Programme, the integration of Digilocker has been incorporated. Digilocker is a secure cloud-based platform that allows citizens to store and access their essential documents digitally, including passports. By connecting their Passport Seva account with Digilocker, individuals can securely store and retrieve their passports in a digital format. This integration enhances convenience and reduces the reliance on physical document handling.

New Features of PSP-V2.0

The Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0 will introduce various technological advancements to improve functionality and efficiency. Some of the key features include:

  • Cutting-edge biometrics: Advanced biometric technologies will enhance the security and accuracy of passport verification processes.
  • Artificial intelligence: AI will streamline service delivery and automate certain aspects of the passport application and issuance procedures.
  • Advanced data analytics: The program will leverage data analytics to gain valuable insights and improve decision-making processes.
  • Chatbots and auto-responses: Interactive chatbots will provide assistance and answer frequently asked questions, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Natural language processing: NLP capabilities will enable the system to understand and process human language, facilitating effective communication.
  • Cloud enablement: Cloud-based infrastructure will enhance scalability and accessibility, ensuring smoother operations.

These new features are expected to revolutionize the passport issuance process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Key Points of the Passport Seva Programme (PSP)

The Passport Seva Programme (PSP) is a significant Mission Mode Project (MMP) under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in India. The PSP focuses on improving the efficiency and accessibility of passport-related services for Indian citizens. Key points of the Passport Seva Programme include:

  • Simplified application process: The PSP aims to simplify the passport application process, reducing the complexity and time taken for issuance.
  • Integration of technology: The program leverages advanced technologies to streamline operations, enhance security, and improve service delivery.
  • Mobile applications: The PSP offers mobile applications like the mPassport Seva Mobile App and mPassport Police App, enabling users to access services conveniently through their smartphones.
  • Digital storage: Through integration with Digilocker, the Passport Seva Programme promotes the secure digital storage of passports, reducing the need for physical documents.
  • “Digital India” initiative: The Passport Seva Programme contributes to the government’s vision of a “Digital India” by digitizing passport services and creating an efficient digital ecosystem.

Difference of Passport Office and Passport Seva Kendra

Passport Office and Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) are two important components of the Passport Seva Programme. Here are the key distinctions between them:

Passport Office:

  • Larger administrative units that oversee passport-related services in specific regions or cities.
  • Serve as central hubs for processing passport applications and issuing passports.
  • Feature specialized departments for verification, investigation, and administrative support.
  • Handle a higher volume of passport applications.

Passport Seva Kendra (PSK):

  • Decentralized passport service centers.
  • Work in coordination with Passport Offices and act as their extended arms.
  • Provide passport services to citizens.
  • Accept passport applications, verify documents, capture biometrics, and collect fees.
  • Located across cities and regions for better accessibility.
  • Help decentralize the passport issuance process.
  • Reduce the burden on main Passport Offices.
  • Offer faster processing times and improved efficiency.


The launch of the Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0 marks an important milestone in the development of passport services in India. With enhanced digital infrastructure, AI-powered systems, and the introduction of e-passports, the PSP 2.0 aims to provide citizens with a more efficient, secure, and convenient passport issuance experience. By embracing technological advancements, the Passport Seva Programme reinforces India’s commitment to delivering high-quality passport services to its citizens.


  • Can I schedule a passport appointment online?
  • Yes, you can schedule a passport appointment online through the official website of the Passport Seva Programme at
  • What is the purpose of the Passport Seva Programme Digilocker integration?
  • The integration of Digilocker with the Passport Seva Programme allows individuals to securely store and access their passports digitally, reducing the need for physical document handling.
  • Will the introduction of e-passports streamline international travel?
  • Yes, the chip-enabled e-passports introduced in the Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0 will streamline international travel by providing enhanced security features and facilitating smoother immigration procedures.
  • What are the new features of the Passport Seva Programme Version 2.0?
  • The new features include cutting-edge biometrics, artificial intelligence, advanced data analytics, chatbots, auto-responses, natural language processing, and cloud enablement.
  • What is the difference between Passport Office and Passport Seva Kendra?
  • Passport Offices are larger administrative units that oversee passport services in specific regions, while Passport Seva Kendras are decentralized service centers that work in coordination with Passport Offices to provide passport services to citizens.

Please note that the information provided in this article is subject to change. For the most up-to-date instructions and procedures, refer to the official website of the Passport Seva Programme.


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