The payment dates for Canada’s Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) benefits in 2024 haven’t been announced by the Canada Revenue Agency yet. They’re expected to be similar to 2023. Keep an eye out for more information.

Canada FPT Payment Dates
Your eligibility for different tax credits through the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) payment is based on the information in your tax return. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) gives this tax credit to eligible recipients of the Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), and other provincial benefits.
For many of these tax benefits, you don’t need to apply separately. The CRA automatically checks your eligibility using the information from your income tax return.
Note: The CRA has not officially announced the payment dates for various schemes in the year 2024.
Canada Child Benefit Dates
You can find out when the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCB) payments are made in 2023, and these dates might also apply to 2024. The CCB, often called the “Baby Bonus,” is given on these dates each month:
- January 20, 2023
- February 20, 2023
- March 20, 2023
- April 20, 2023
- May 19, 2023
- June 20, 2023
- July 20, 2023
- August 18, 2023
- September 20, 2023
- October 20, 2023
- November 20, 2023
- December 13, 2023
The CCB helps parents with the costs of raising kids under 18. If your child is under six, the most you can get each year is $7,437, or $619.75 per month. To qualify, you or your spouse must be a Canadian citizen and the main caregiver for one or two children under eighteen.
GST/HST Credit Dates
During the 2023–2024 period, you might receive different amounts: up to $496 if you’re single, $650 for couples, and $171 for each kid under 19. The payment dates might stay the same. To know when you’ll get paid next year, check the FPT payment dates for 2023.
The money is given every three months for the Harmonized Sales Tax/Goods and Services Tax credit on these dates:
- January 5, 2023
- April 5, 2023
- July 5, 2023
- October 5, 2023
If you’re a Canadian citizen over 19 and meet certain income rules, you can get these payments. Also, people under 19 with a spouse or child, and whose parents get the Canada Child Benefit, can get it too.
Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) Dates
We don’t know yet when the Ontario Trillium Benefit payments will happen in 2024. To find out, check when they happened in 2023:
- January 10, 2023
- February 10, 2023
- March 10, 2023
- April 6, 2023
- May 10, 2023
- June 9, 2023
- July 10, 2023
- August 10, 2023
- September 8, 2023
- October 10, 2023
- November 10, 2023
- December 8, 2023
The Ontario Tax Benefit (OTB) is given to people who qualify for the Ontario Sales Tax Credit, Northern Ontario Energy Credit, and Ontario energy and property tax credit programs.
Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP) Dates
Climate Action Payments for eligible Canadians in 2024 have not been announced yet. To get an idea of when the payments might be in the coming year, you can check the dates from last year:
- January 13, 2023
- April 14, 2023
- July 14, 2023
- October 13, 2023
To qualify for these payments, you need to meet certain conditions, including being a resident of a specific area, being at least 19 years old, and having a family.
Advanced Canada Workers Benefit (ACWB) Dates
In 2024, if you qualify, you’ll get the ACWB payment. The CRA hasn’t shared the 2024 date yet, but it will likely be around the same time as last year. Check the previous year’s date to know when you might receive payment.
Previous payment dates:
- July 12, 2023
- October 12, 2023
- January 12, 2024
The Canada Workers Benefit is for full-time students, diplomats, officers, servants, and taxpayers living in Canada. To qualify, you must pay taxes, which depend on your province and family size, and be at least 19 years old.
Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB) Dates
Governments give money to families who need help, especially those with not a lot of money. This money is to help with things like having a place to live, getting older, going to school, taking care of the family, and medical needs. The Alberta Child and Family Benefit (ACFB) is one way the government supports families. You should check the payment dates for 2023, and these dates are likely to apply in 2024.
Here are the payment dates for 2023:
- February 27, 2023
- May 26, 2023
- August 25, 2023
- November 27, 2023
Also, if someone gets less than $10 in a quarter, the payments might be combined and given out less often.